Tuesday, December 8, 2015

What's Next?

What an awesome week!  Sam is done!  (Check the website http://www.tonyajean.net for complete illustrations).  Sending him off to publishers today -Wednesday at the latest! I would love to tell Caye we got published.  Please pray for us or what ever you do to communicate with Whoever.

Progress felt good.  I felt like Tom Hanks after he found a mermaid -mostly just where he sings with a mango but this was the only clip I could find.

Nothing could bring me down, not even Walmart.  Not even when the old couple in front of me who needed a price check and then got into an argument about it.  "Don't mind me!  I have all the time in the world!"  I even held her hand and wished them a Merry Christmas.  I gave my last dollar to the bell ringer guy with all his Jesus jewelry,  I even complimented his hat.  Sam is done!  So I was smiling and waving at every body.  Every. Body.

I started the watercolor rainbow sun.  The kids and I used to do these painting's we called "Rain Paintings".  On a rainy day, we drew a pictures with Crayola markers and would set them out in the rain for a few seconds.  We usually drew fish or flowers but, I'm going to give it a shot with this.   Now just waiting for rain...

The studio is free.  I have no idea what I am going to work on next and I couldn't be more excited by that.  No little sinful caterpillars looking at me, What's It Saying is still very much a blank canvas.  Maybe I'll go there next?  The thing is, I love a blank canvas.  This and music and maybe some tea or wine...I can't wait to se what happens!  

The only thing I "have" to do is paint and glue 123 wooden spools for Jesse's class.  His teacher saw a picture on Pinterest.  F'ing Pinterest.  They will be snowman ornaments when it's all done.  I should have said, "Those, with the melted snowman ornament and the snowman button cards, might be too much."  Instead, I said, "Sure!" with a smile thinking that I would just figure it out.  If you need me, I'll be in the studio under a pile of wooden spools figuring it out.

Let's do a rain dance.

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