I don't think it's a good idea to go running around cemeteries. I'm Catholic. We just don't do this kind of thing. Have you seen The Exorcist? I have a bad feeling about this. Should we really go gallivanting around in graveyards in October when dead things are itchy to go haunting? I could use a girls trip though and I think it would be inspiring -in a spooky October sun kind of way. I'm afraid to ask her "...and whatever the hell" entails.
I was drawing a Dark Sun for my son. It started off great, then I hated it. Thing is, I got stuck in my own head worring about what people think and I just spiraled down from there. I also hate that the time it took to do it is gone. I have precious time when I can put pen (pencil, paint, ink, watercolor) to paper; to create something that made me cringe was frustrating. AND just like spiraling, I couldn't stop until I reached the bottom; until it was finished.
It's now Wednesday and I was ready, ready to create and be brilliant. I shook off what needed shakin', house was picked up, laundry caught up. Time to get busy with my art stuff. When all of the sudden, my dog starts freaking out. He's howling, barking and trying to claw through the screen. My first thought was "Zombies?" I have to stop watching The Walking Dead.
But holy crap, it's coyotes! I'm sure they are after my chickens again. My poor chickens. F'n coyotes. I screw the lid back on my tube of paint and frantically look around for a weapon. The only thing I can get to is a stupid BB gun. I run out there "ping, ping" with the BB gun. I think the coyotes are embarrassed for me. I see them out there just in the tree line; wily, nasty things, I think there are 3 or 4 of 'em.
Luckily, my girls are smart and were hiding out in the coop. I lock 'em up and call my husband to explain my need for stronger fire power. I might have embellished on the actual number of coyotes; I saw 40 right? I think there were 40. The coyotes haunted me all morning. Good news, though, the chickens are safe, so it's time to get started.
Crap. Right after lunch relief. The kids always ask to see what I'm working on, so I showed them the "good" Dark Sun and a little girl excitedly tells me that "I am a good drawer". It made my day. So I gladly accepted the 500 pieces of paper that the teacher needs cut 4 ways and paper punched. No problem. I got it. You need 'em next week? Sure. It should be noted, I actually practiced saying, "I wish I could help you, but I am swamped" before I got there. Out loud. Somehow it came out of my mouth as "Sure." I even smiled as I accepted the tub of uncut paper.
Now it's Friday. I managed to make a sun, not the rainbow sun I had envisioned. The rainbow sun in my mind is in pencils. Pencil work takes FOREVER and for some crazy reason I invent deadlines for myself. I thought I'd speed things up and use acrylics, it ended up being a Cinco De Mayo sun.
Cinco De Mayo. It's almost finished.
Keep up the fight my friends. Keep doing the thing you do. Even though it gets hard with all the other crap we all have going on. I'm going douse myself in holy water, grab my rosary and go traipsing around a graveyard to annoy a long dead voodoo queen. Pray for me.
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