"Turned away from it all like a blind man
Sat on a fence but it don't work
Keep coming up with love but
its so slashed and torn
why why why
love love love love"
It spoke to me. Why am I doing this? And what the hell am I doing anyway? Am I writting a novel or am I trying to promote T-Rexy (an awesome dinosaur picture book)? Maybe I should self publish T-Rexy? Then there's that non-fiction book I been toying with forever? Maybe I should just market custom art? Maybe I should scrap it all and be happy with being mom? I could do more at the school. Maybe my husband and I should take a vacation? Maybe a part-time job? Crap. The garden needs tending, too. Fuck it. I'll just do another sun.
I painted this one with acrylics.
I feel pressure from all sides. Being a mom, a wife, a house maintainer, school volunteer, friend, sister, daughter; to do more or be more. Why? Just ask Freddie Mercury, love. Love is why I want to give more. The trick for me lately, is to trying to maintain some sense of my own identity while working all the roles I play in a day. The pressure to do something of my own is heating up.
I'm feeling like a failure on a few of these pressure points lately, so I honestly was ready to turn my back on this. Thank you Freddie for doing the thing you did and changed my mind. I am going to paint suns. My 21 year old wants a "dark" sun for his new apartment, no problem. I have a friend (whose timing could not have been better) that wants to purchase one, her only request is that it be a full sun.
So if you need me, I'll be in the studio, painting suns and trying to sort my shit out. Hopefully it will open a "valve" to relieve some of this "more" pressure.
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