Jesse, my little guy, thought he missed it. He re-gifted me this card last Wednesday that I got from Monica. (Monica of let's go to graveyards for fun October post.) I can only guess that even though he is learning to write in cursive, he can't read it.
Jesse (last Wednesday): Here mom, I love you.
Me (slightly surprised and confused taking the card): Aw... thank you, sweetheart.

Bless him.
My husband decided to fix the patio walkway. It's been somewhat unfinished since last summer so he wanted to get it done for me for Mother's Day -on Mother's Day. It's okay really, this is how he shows love, he fixes or builds something for me. He also made sure I had flowers that I could re-plant because he knows me, a decorative chicken watering can and chocolate; but he is not a "snuggler". We weren't going for a long walk holding hands while he rattled on about what a wonderful mother I am. He also gave me a card that said "You Deserve This Day". Oh, the foreshadowing.
Me: I'm sorry, honey.
Anna: We need to call the vet.
Me: Nothing is open today. It's Sunday, Mother's Day (not really trying to throw a hint but did anyway).
Anna (crying): He's really sick.
Me: When was the last time you checked on him?
Anna (losing it): Right! So it's my fault he's going to die!! (She then proceeded to send me a series of texts and videos regarding Pudge and his fateful condition. I could hardly watch them.)
Me: Let's just see how he does, sweetheart, he might pull through. (I'm pretty sure he won't)
Anna, good God bless her too. Her bird did die. Yup. On Mother's Day. The poor thing. We gave it a proper Catholic burial next to Lily (no better lab has ever lived), Rajah (a cat) and 2 fish (I forget their names). It was tense and uncomfortable as funerals tend to be because of her demands to take him to an emergency vet. I didn't. Pudge died. It was my fault.
Rest in peace little fella.
Blue, the surviving budgie, was now alone. Anna wanted to move the HUGE cage they were in to her room. This thing...I'm not exaggerating, it's HUGE.
Anna (mind you, is still crying, she has been crying since 8am back when Pudge was just sick): Will you help me move the big cage into my room?
Me: No, Honey, it's too big for your room.
Anna: It'll fit!
Me: No, Anna, it is too big. Your room is small. Move Blue into the little cage if you have to have him in your room.
Anna: He won't like it.
Me (losing it): Anna... No and no! I'm not going to fight with you on Mother's Day! (I am and I threw another Mother's Day in there)
We said those exact words 100 times. I might have added "Absolutely" as in "absolutely not!" She might have said "ridiculous" and something about how I don't understand anything.
It is now close to dinner time. My husband came in and also said no to her, only quite a bit louder. Which is a feat, as he came in because he heard me saying no from all the way outside. I felt bad for her, I really did, but all this discussing of something I already said no to was wearing on my sympathies. She wasn't about to surrender.
Anna: I measured it! It will fit!
Me: Just because something fits doesn't mean it works. Have you seen a Kardashian? The answer is no. I am done discussing it.
Jesse: I hate today.
I felt bad for my husband too, he just wanted me to have a fixed walkway and a nice day where I didn't have to cook or clean. At one point we were all crying, except him who just looked at us in disbelief.
Taking a break from the bird situation, I decided to switch out the laundry the day was kind of shot anyway. I was reflecting on when the kids were little babies and didn't talk so much, when Jonathan comes barreling in the garage door almost knocking me down.
Jonathan (Handing me a bouquet of roses): Oh, hey! Mama! Happy Mother's day!
Me: (Gathering myself, looking at the roses. I, honest to God, thought they were for his girlfriend. Not that she's a mom {Dear Jesus}, but she has a puppy and you know how some people are) Are those for me?
Jonathan (hugging me): Yeah.
The timing, the gesture, the day -it was all too much. I might've teared up again.
This day will now go down in the History of Lucas as the anniversary of Pudge's death and Mother's Day.
Beautiful, right?
Am I upset that it when down this way? No. Not even a little bit. I am thankful. M tried his best to give me a great day. He really does think I deserve a day. These kids are the best thing that ever happened to me. As mom I try to keep my schedule loose, my expectations in the gutter and booze in the cabinet because you can never predict what will happen next.
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