I finished it and the "...awesome sun" over the weekend, it felt great because I think she is going to love it. It is exactly what she asked for -almost. I ran into (or created?) a tricky moral situation. The woman I drew this for sent me a picture via Facebook messenger as to what she wanted, so I drew it. The original is an adorable baby elephant in watercolor. I used colored pencil, made him bigger (and smaller) and turned him so he could look at the sun. Thing is I can't put my name on it. It's not like its T-Rexy or one of my suns, something I pulled out of my own head. It's not a copy, but it's close, I think in the business it's called a "reference". But still, I can't put my name on it.
It feels a little wrong...but also a little right. I'm still not sure what to think about it and I am way to tired to figure anything out today. (I just went upstairs to switch out laundry and I made tea and came back to finish this blog; the laundry still unswitched. Sleep deprivation sucks.)
“It is easy to decide on what is wrong to wear to a party, such as deep-sea diving equipment or a pair of large pillows, but deciding what is right is much trickier.”
― Lemony Snicket, The Slippery Slope
I decided she needed a collage
That finished -except for the thinking, I decided to use the mum for the next set of notecards, being that I sold out of the other ones. Let's send out an Hallelujah to the Lord.
I also ordered new business cards as I just hated the other ones. I couldn't even hand them out except under extreme duress.
I laid there last night, blinking and thinking up the most ridiculous scenarios, fictitious victories and some actual real life shit, until 3 something. I had the one random thought about managing my time better. This was unfortunately between the home invasion scenario and the the UFO landing victory; so I didn't take myself very seriously.
However, now I that am running on a weird caffeine high and trying to knock stuff off my "To Do" list, I'm thinking organizing my time better is actually something I need to do and immediately. I really need to take my time during the day and treat this thing I'm doing as an actual job. Maybe get out of the yoga pants except on yoga days, do my hair... get T-Rexy published.
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