The thing is, I have a rudimentary operation, I use my cell phone to take photos of whatever I'm working on. I needed to wait for the sun to get the best lighting for my paintings (and because of gold) but it has been overcast/raining for what feels like weeks. We finally saw the sun and I was all fired up to do the photos, right after I tended to the chickens and I might as well get the leaves out of the pool when suddenly -my life stalled out. I dropped my phone into the pool. Yep, I was talking to my friend Amie, thought I'd multi-task with the leaf situation; when plop...into the drink.
Funny little side note here, it disconnected with Amie and dialed my sister; all by itself, under the water. As I was fishing it out, I saw my sister text me in response, "What? I'm at work" and Amie with, "I'll just talk to you later." I finally got it out and pushed every button on it before I had the latent 'maybe I shouldn't be pushing buttons' thought. I stuck it in a bag a rice and contacted my media specialist, my 14 year old daughter, Anna.
I asked Anna if I could borrow her Coolpix camera. (The one I bought for her.) Suddenly it was like I was playing 20 questions. Why do I need it? Where's my phone? Did I put it in rice? Did I push any buttons? Why would I do that? Do I understand I just made it worse? Ending this silly game, I pulled rank and demanded the Coolpix. She agreed under the conditions that it was for a limited time and that I delete any pictures I take. Sealing it with a pinky swear, I got busy taking pictures. Now should I use the laptop with the broken left Shift key or the desk top that is so slow it took 15 minutes to send a email? I wish I was exaggerating.
My friend Amelia Shea (erotic author extraodinaire) and I got to talking and not only did we cover children, crazy people and past boyfriends, we got into our selective arts. She is frustrated because the book she thinks she should be writing is not happening, while this other book, is begging to be written. I was all, "Just write the book you want to." Easy right? She gave me a look. I gave her a blank stare, "What?"
"You can relate," she said. I was struck because, the thing I think I should be doing, calendar/suns, mugs/dishes isn't filling me with joy and I think I need to do What's It saying? That book has been in my mind old is Anna?
We decided to write/do the thing that is been pulling at us. For her it's the other book, for me I thought it was What's It Saying? I sat down, pulled out a canvas, and holy shit, I painted Sam the sinful little caterpillar. What the...?
That Muse, fickle little minx, she is said, "Oh! A cute little caterpillar!"
Remember Janice of we were almost a gang? Over beer thirty I was telling her my epiphany and I swear to God I HEARD her eyes roll, "Oh. So you came to the conclusion you should be in the studio painting what you want?" Janice, as I mentioned, is not only stalwart and unafraid; she can also be sarcastic.
The lesson today, do what is in your heart. When I started doing what I thought would make money or what everyone else was telling me to do I kind of stalled out. Do your thing.
The lesson today, do what is in your heart. When I started doing what I thought would make money or what everyone else was telling me to do I kind of stalled out. Do your thing.
Here is a song to get you going.
Love this!!!!!! Its like we're living the same life.....